Modern Media and Ralph Ellison
There was a quick moment during one of our discussions where Mr. Mitchell mentioned the parallels between Invisible Man and some modern horror works that are metaphors for the racism in society. One of the most prolific examples of this kind of work, in my opinion, is Jordan Peele and his films Get Out and Us, both excellent examples of Twilight Zone -esque narratives that are still intrinsically tied to metaphors about race. (SPOILERS FOR GET OUT AND US, IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THEM YET FOR SOME REASON. I will put a marker before a sentence where there's a major spoiler :)) The style of all three works are very similar: While Invisible Man is tangential to horror, occasionally dipping into it during particularly intense scenes, Peele's films are outright horror movies. However, all three contain extremely surreal, metaphorical, and almost Lovecraftian imagery: The battle royale scene and the scene at Liberty Paints are prime e...